Zosi NVR Operation – Setup > Network

Zosi NVR Operation – Setup > Network

The Setup > Network menu allows you to configure settings related to internet connectivity.

NetworkEmailWireless NetworkDDNS

Network > Network

The NVR will automatically detect these settings and configure for best results once you have connected an Ethernet cable to the back of the NVR.

It is strongly recommended that all settings in the Network panel remain unchanged, unless you know you have a PPPoE connection.


  1. If you connect to the internet using a PPPoE service provider: Please ensure the PPPoE selection box is enabled and that your username and password are accurately input into the proper fields. These are not your Zosi View login credentials. It might be a password used to connect to your router given to you by your internet provider or configured yourself. If you do not know if you use PPPoE, leave this setting unchecked.
  2. If you connect to the internet WITHOUT using a PPPoE service provider: Ensure the “Obtain an IP Address Automatically” option is checked.
  3. Select the “Test” button to determine if you are connected to the internet. If you are successfully connected, it will state “OK”. If you are unable to connect a message will appear stating that you “Cannot Connect To The Network”.

If you have an active firewall, you may need to configure your internet options further to allow your Zosi NVR to transmit video to your mobile device. If you are unsure how to configure firewall settings, consult your router’s user manual or speak directly to the manufacturer for more details.

If you are unable to connect on your local WiFi connection, please test the connection using your mobile device’s 4G or LTE network.

Depending on your mobile device, you may have restricted access to data. To check your data options, view the Background App Refresh option on Apple devices, and the Data Saver option in the Settings > Connections > Data Usage menu on Android devices. These options are designed to restrict your data usage in order to reduce data charges.

Network > Email

This section helps you set up email notifications. Information may be required from your internet and/or email service provider.


  1. SMTP Server: Please confirm SMTP server with your email service provider.
  2. Port: Your mail service port number. This is dependent on your email service provider.
  3. SSL Check: Provides a secure login. The default is set to enable SSL Check.
  4. Send Address: Your email account from your provider
  5. Password: The password used to access your email account.
  6. Receive Address: When an email alert is triggered, your Zosi NVR will send emails to these specified addresses. Please be advised that there is a maximum of three email addresses.
  7. Test: Use this button to test your settings, and ensure that email notification is set up.

How To Set Up Email Notifications

To set up email notifications you must have an email address. We recommend using a Gmail address, as they are free to set up.

  1. The SMTP Server for Google is: gmail.smtp.com / The SMTP Server for Yahoo is yahoo.smtp.com
  2. The Port is: 465 or 587
  3. The SSL Check is: Enabled
  4. The Send Address is your email address
  5. The Password is your email password
  6. Please input up to three emails that will receive alerts.
  7. Test your settings.
  8. If successful, you will see the following message:


Please be aware that a normal recording schedule will overwrite any motion detection scheduling, and that any e-mail alerts must be manually enabled.

If you do not want to input your personal email address, you can easily create a new email through Google, specifically to monitor your NVR alerts. Input the new email as the Send Address and your normal email into one of the Receive Address fields.

Network > Wireless Network

This section is used to modify the Wireless Network created by your NVR. It is strongly recommended to leave these settings on default to avoid disruption to your NVR system.

Network > DDNS

This section will allow you to configure the NVR’s DDNS network settings.

  1. DDNS – Enable or Disable the DDNS function on the NVR.
  2. DDNS Server – Select your preferred DDNS server.
  3. User Name – Input your DDNS username.
  4. Password – Input your DDNS password.
  5. Host Domain – Input the URL of the DDNS Provider.
  6. DDNS Update [Hours] – Select how often the NVR updates the DDNS.
  7. Test – Select the Test option to test your DDNS Settings.
  8. UPNP – Enable or Disable Universal Plug and Play.

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